What the hell is MC?


Minecraft. Oh Minecraft. Good old Minecraft. What is it? The end to your social life. And if you thought Farmville – (a Facebook mini-game, which was god awful) was a distraction to the “real world” then Minecraft is a distraction from ever seeing the light of day again, and not only that but it is a universal truth, that if you’re in any way creative, then there is a high chance that gaming addiction can occur.203501_165039663531531_3284542_n

Okay maybe not a UNIVERSAL truth, but Minecraft is as or possibly more addictive than World of Warcraft. I even got addicted for a time, which I’m pretty sure has affected my health, as well as my ability in social interactions with others – (over Xbox live and skype, that’s a completely different story) but in person, the subject of conversations seems to always drift from simple topic, say education, straight to Minecraft

Let’s Play: Starting with loading screen – always updating comments like “deadmau5 likes Minecraft” or helpful tips like “New DLC is available” which is incredibly handy. The next step (on Minecraft arcade) would either to drop straight in survival or attempt Tutorial Island. I was a fool. Starting Tutorial Island is advised for the most patient of us out there, but my idea of a tutorial is less being bombarded with information in the top left hand side of the TV and more being guided through it. I never completed Tutorial Island, I instead let my brother suffer through hours of myself screaming and swearing at the endless onslaught of creepers.minecraft

If it’s a game you’re thinking about buying, either on Xbox or on computer or even on the smart phone, I would highly recommend buying the computer version – it seems everyone who has the Xbox arcade version is hugely anticipating the updates to come, plus with the Xbox version comes a hefty price, but well worth it if you have friends to play it with. Roughly tying this up, – no matter the version though, the creative experience is the same and the pride of architectural achievement always stays. This game gets a massive 9.6

By Sean Dennison

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