Naughty, Naughty!

naughty_bear_logo_blackImagine – the perfect fairy tale land where everyone was a teddy bear, – keep reading, it get’s better – everything in this world is perfect, everyone is happy. Everyone but you. You were the bear that got picked on and bullied, by all these wonderful people, and now you get to show them how one revolver in their wonderful mouths can shatter their wonderful lives.


What was that? Mercy? You have no mercy. Either you get your paws dirty, or you scare them to the point of taking your own lives, which is creepily very amusing. Basically it’s a simplified GTA with a linear path and the aim is to kill as many helpless people along the way.


Let’s Play: Opening each episode is a cut scene and these are hilarious, with a highly patronising commentary which fits perfectly for this world – tedious and repetitive for older gamers when you get to episode 8, however because of my own personal immaturity, entertainment levels were at their peak. Controls are easy enough to grasp, not entirely perfect as the camera angles moves to fast when you run however it’s bearable. Ahhhh, don’t worry I hate myself too for that pun.
naughty-bear-arte-002The first kill is always the best, as the saying goes – (I don’t think that’s a saying, I think I just made it up) and with this game it is, and they come with glorious names such as ‘Sticky incineration’ – setting fire to his face through the friction of a twig to his forehead, – or ‘total defluffacation’, complete teddy massacre. From then on the game becomes linear and repetitive, which I didn’t mind but I know some gamers do, as there is a lack of change in pace or extra objectives and the other options in the game are minimal. Change in costumes are cool, affect your stats and allow you to walk unseen as naughty bear, and the variety of kills are extensive, but some more adept gamers need more than just relentless murder.

I don’t recommend the game to the mature or skilled gamers in buying the game, but for the immature and sadistic members of the gaming community out there, it’s an excellent way to pass the time with the occasional evil giggle. This game gets a 6.9.

ImageBy Sean Dennison

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